Wednesday 14 January 2015

Packing hand sanitiser for a year?

Choosing what to pack is never that easy for me. However, when the time came I was pretty certain about what was going to make the cut and what wasn't. Here is a rundown:

Things that were never going to make the list:
High heels
Hand sanitiser for a year (my dentist's burning question was how to pack this for such a lengthy trip!)
Make up
Our fantastic camping coffee machine! 

Items of contention:
Tent (considered very early on)
Sleeping bags (made the cut)
Bottle opener (came along)
Leggings (Did not make it. They're not pants yet I've worn them travelling before)
Yoga mats (Surprisingly yoga mats made the cut!)
Rob's Tigers (Took out last minute)
Hair dryer (Yep. Update on usage to follow.)

Items we perhaps forgot:
Tiny stove (We think we intended to bring this!)

All considered, only a few days in, I think we have packed fairly well. Today we have made a good dent in our first aid kit with both of us somewhat sick with different ailments. As well as our sleeping bags and first aid, electronics and toiletries took up much of our packs. Once rolled, our clothes packed down well into compartments.

What made the cut, clothes and shoes excluded
Kat's clothes and shoes
Rob's clothes and shoes
The resulting suitcase as we got ready to jump on the plane pictured below...we wish! Packing evaluations to come.


  1. I'm glad that the fact that leggings are NOT pants made it into your packing considerations!!
