Thursday 26 November 2015

Aussie Roadtrip: Newcastle

Before a brief overnighter in Newcastle we stopped in a few places on the road. Still in Port Macquarie we admired Lighthouse Beach then later climbed up to a lookout at Cape Hawke in Booti Booti National Park. Both provided some special views but my time at Cape Hawke was tainted by mozzie attacks. Mind you, the mozzies have, as usual, been eating me alive in most places! A real highlight was visiting Green Cathedral, also in Booti Booti. Starkly different from the European churches we have been poking our heads into, this waterfront spiritual place was open aired and amongst palm trees. I even spotted a lizard next to the pews.

As per the sign!

From Cape Hawke Lookout
Green Cathedral situated on the banks of Wallis Lake

Peace post near Green Cathedral
Knew I was watching 
One of the less remarkable stops: petrol purchase at “The Rock”, a horrible looking attempt to cash in on Uluru’s appearance.

Eye sore: one of the worst "big things" (smaller than Uluru!)
Our final stop before making it to Newcastle was a beachy one. After having previously seen it from Gan Gan lookout on the way up the coast, we couldn’t resist stopping at One Mile beach. Port Stephens really is a fantastic area.

One Mile beach
Well aware we didn’t have very long to check out Newcastle, we aimed to visit the famous Bogey Hole and Bar Beach. Built in around 1820 using convict labour for a Major’s personal bathing purposes, the hole cut into the rocks is now a popular swimming hole. Only snag was we got there at high tide which would have made it a tremendously dangerous swim. Added to that, recent rock-fall meant the area was deemed unsafe and closed for three days. I have since read it isn't likely to be open until next year. It was still marvellous to see the waves crashing into the bath and imagine the Major hanging out there back in the day.

Waves crashing into Bogey Hole

Access to a raging Bogey Hole
View of the Bogey Hole from afar 
Before heading to Bar Beach we walked across the WWI Memorial Walk, opened in April 2015. As well as honouring those involved in the war in various ways, the walk provides great views to the ocean, the town parks and the harbours. Newcastle is much prettier than the outdated images Rob and I held in our heads! We enjoyed the rest of the day at Bar Beach. A nice looking beach but the combination of crazy waves and hidden rocks didn't tempt us in too far.

WWI Memorial Walk
Waves and sunshine at Bar Beach

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