Monday 16 November 2015

Aussie Roadtrip: Seeing the Sydney Siders

Last time we saw Tim and Sal (a mere 3 weeks ago), they foolishly invited us to visit.  Little did they know we'd be taking them up on it during their first week in their new home.  But before getting there, we had some old friends to catch up with, Allan, a former colleague of Kat's from her days at Deakin met us in Darling Harbour for a drink.  We traded travel stories, hearing about his lighting visit to Kuala Lumpur, booked on a whim, and telling him about our adventures in both Malaysia and Mongolia.  We also heard from him what it was like to shift from Melbourne to Sydney, a culture shock as big as they probably come!

Allan at Darling Harbour
And then the rain came, and it did not stop for the next 2 days!  We made it to Tim and Sal's although I swear it would have been impossible without Google Maps.  I've never been in a place with such confusing road signs, tolls or extreme lane change requirements.  It is also possible that we realised we now know Vienna better than we know Sydney! On arrival we spent time catching up with Tim, but also getting a full picture of the tragic attacks that occurred overnight in France.

Ged, a long time family friend of the Dashwoods joined us all for a takeaway dinner on the couch, and we spent the evening merrily talking away. Portman and Cooper, the lovely resident pet turtles also shared in the games.

Fun and games in Sydney

Catching up
On Sunday we caught up with Kat's long-time friend Courtney who, like Allan, also endured the trauma of a shift from Melbourne to Sydney (although at a younger age) and swears that it only takes 10 years to learn how to navigate Sydney in a car! 

It was fantastic to catch-up with everyone and also fit in some mario kart, monopoly and other fun and games with Tim and Sal. At some stage we will try and be tourists in Sydney but it was just the weekend for us this time and on Monday we hit the road again...

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