Thursday 21 May 2015

Oh Japan!

If we have talked to you recently you have probably heard us rave about Japan in one form or another.* Very early on in our time there we established a saying that was repeated several times a day. Mainly it is to do with how convenient, hospitable and accessible Japan is to the tourist. Thought this post will probably just turn into a "things we loved about Japan" and really, if you've been there, who can blame us?

So here goes...

Greeted at airport by offer of free wifi access at Japan hotspots "Oh Japan!"

The seemingly unfiltered Internet^: "Oh Japan!"

(Polite) signs with enough English for you to know that you are not in the wrong place "Oh Japan!"

Communication cards and rest areas "Oh Japan!"

Taxis with doors that open automatically. (We saw one lady get out in the rain and it certainly makes opening an umbrella whilst stepping out a smoother process.) "Oh Japan!"

Dog leash place at convenience stores "Oh Japan!"

Dog and cat cafes "Oh Japan!"
(even though the dog cafe was shut...shh)

Clever and space efficient bike racks "Oh Japan!"

Sake: just its presence "Oh Japan!"

Yakitori "Oh Japan!"

Vending machines (with HOT coffee) "Oh Japan!"

Toilets made exciting "Oh Japan!"

Stunning gardens "Oh Japan!"

Food displays "Oh Japan!"

Hidden alleyways and alluring restaurants "Oh Japan!"

Bento boxes and other great value, tasty food at convenience stores "Oh Japan!"

Incredibly convenient and fast train networks that are cleaned with pride "Oh Japan!" 

I do have to say that there was one instance that went perhaps a bit to far for me. It got a different kind of "Oh Japan!" In H&M in Kyoto I was astonished that they vacuum each change room between customers!

So, have we sold Japan to you yet?** 

To be honest this is just a snapshot of our experience in Japan. The incredible hospitality that we experience is hard to encapsulate in one post. (Even the time in Kanazawa when a lady opened a whole cafe just for us to have dinner does not paint enough of a picture.) 

And, of course, no country is all peaches and cream...but that's not what this post is about! 

* Apologies to our China fairy if we said this a few too many times in Beijing! 
^ Consider the Matrix though, how would you know????
** Japan's tourism board did not get to us in case you are wondering.

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